The Mission.
Unashamed Love is called to reach women who are bound by sex trafficking and sexual exploitation. We help victims to transition to freedom in Christ Jesus.
What we do.
We go as light in dark places. We go where they are.
We boldly go into their dark subculture with the love of God. We get to know them in a very genuine way. Some of our encounters are short but nonetheless very powerful.
We pray with them. We meet some of their basic needs. We’ve gained their trust. I hold them close at times, long enough to calm the raging storm within them. The strong love of God soothes them. They call me Ma. We bring hope and the powerful love of Jesus Christ to these women.
Many are heroin, crack or meth addicts. Some are extremely tough and we have a special love for those. Oh, the stories we have. These women are amazing. We laugh and cry with them. We deeply love them.
Though resilience runs through their blood, we see the reality of how the street life puts them in an extremely vulnerable place. The trauma bond between victims and their traffickers is painfully formed and even more painful to break. We walk with them in their bondage and empower them to make the very hard decision to walk away from the only life they have ever known.